Sorry for the confusion here! Though users are meant to move on to Nurture after they've conceived, the two apps calculate things a bit differently.
Glow uses the las menstrual period (LMP) as the start date of the pregnancy and counts forward. In Nurture, instead of using just the LMP, we are using “Parikh’s Formula” to calculate the expected due date and using that due date to calculate gestational age.
For reference:
Expected date of delivery (EDD) = Last menstrual period (LMP) + 9 months + (Duration of previous cycles - 21 days)
If you'd like the two apps to match up, you can edit the gestational ages in both apps. To change the pregnancy data in Glow, please go to your ☰/More page > choose another status > edit pregnancy record and change the start or due date of the pregnancy. In Nurture, please go to your More page > baby profile and due date > edit the due date.